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  • Writer's pictureTy Montgomery

“So long, farewell, to you my friends. Goodbye for now. Until we meet again...”

You know that feeling after a breakup? A breakup you knew was coming, a breakup you have peace about, but once it happens, you feel the gap. You start to miss them. It feels more true than the thoughts you had about it. 

Like something that isn’t real until it’s Facebook official

That’s what this post feels like for me. That’s what hitting publish on a post that shares my retirement from the NFL with you feels like. 

But then again, no one who plays football believes it will last forever. 

I’ve never been more sure of anything than I was about football. It was my safe place from the moment I started playing as a kid. From Little League to middle school to varsity, to a college freshman, then going into the league–it was my sure thing. The work wasn’t easy, but it was right. There was a saying from Coach Turley at Stanford: “There’s no such thing as tough; you’re either trained or untrained,” and I was trained.

Nothing brought me more security or certainty than football did. I enjoyed doing the work I needed to do to get where I needed to go.

Then, at one point, my body started feeling a certain way. Mentally, I had to start thinking through things. I was just getting comfortable to play longer than I had planned. I wanted to play out my rookie contract, then sign a 3-4 year deal after that. I had a plan, but things don’t always go as planned. The end came differently, and faster than I thought it would. I kept believing there was more for me, but as I got older and dealt with more injuries, I had to come to terms. 

Now, I’m retiring. I’ve processed it, but putting it out there for the world to see is more challenging; it feels weighty…more permanent.

I’m going to miss so much about this game. Playing it, everything it brought to me, especially being in the locker room, the schedule and routine, these were invaluable additions to the structure and form of my life. This schedule leaves no room for you to live without purpose. I love that part of it. From practice to goals, discipline, respect, honor, and love, it builds your character alongside your teammates. And I have to be honest, it feels good to be known as an NFL athlete and football player. Being known for doing something great at an elite level feels good. It’s going to leave a gap. 

While the absence of football will leave a gap, I don’t know if it's one that needs to be filled. I think about an old tree and the rings around it showing what it’s lived through, and for me, football is another ring. 

The option of ending things on my own terms and with my health has been helping me to accept retirement instead of lingering too long. I’ve been blessed to play the game for a long time, and that’s helped me be excited about what could be next. The Lord is giving me an understanding of my purpose and confidence beyond football, and I’m excited to uncover it. 

So, what's next?

If I were to describe what's next for me, I’d say that over the past year, I’ve been able to get into financial literacy and education. I’m learning so much about real estate, venture capital, private equity, entrepreneurship, operations, and family office building. It’s early, but my family office, Kingdom Building Partners, is a reality and the learning process has been incredible. I’ve invested in early and late-stage ventures and learned about SPVs. I’ve made investments in real estate development, and I’ve even grown a love for adding value to companies and helping them build. I’ve learned how to network and become more confident as a businessman. I love making connections and want to keep doing so to bring value to others (Thus, the name Kingdom Building Partners). I want the deal flow and opportunities to span wide and far. 

As I’ve become passionate about new businesses, investments, and financial literacy, I’ve gotten a taste of that same, “this is part of my purpose” feeling. It feels like it’s ushering me into the future. I’ve been extremely grateful for this season. I believe God has called me to be a master builder, building up others and adding value where I can, just as I hope I have in these past 9 years in the NFL. 

Many, many thanks

As I close the chapter on the NFL, I want to thank every organization that contributed to who I am today. My past and so much of my future are due to you. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank:

Mark Murphy and the late Ted Thompson for drafting me in the third round in 2015…

Mike McCarthy, my first head coach in the NFL, and every coach that followed…

The Baltimore Ravens and Coach Harbaugh…

The New York Jets and Coach Gase…

The New Orleans Saints and Coach Payton…

The New England Patriots and Coach Belichick…

To the city of Greenbay, Wisconsin, and the Packers fans who will always have a special place in my heart, “GO PACK GO!”

The city of Baltimore and the Ravens flock, “OOoooOOOooo!”

The city of New Orleans and the Saints fans, “WHO DAT!”

The Superdome, my favorite place to play…

To the city of New York and the Jets fans, “J-E-T-S JETS JET JETS!”

The city of Boston and the Patriots fans, “GO PATS!” I met my wife and made a new family there, which will hold my heart forever.

To Stanford University and Coach David Shaw, I’m grateful.

To St. Marks School of Texas and Coach Epperson, thank you.

To Pop Warner Youth Football League, you invested early.

And thank you to my very first football coaches from the Carrollton Youth Football League, Coach Chuck, Jasper, and Lewis, from the bottom of my heart; you fostered my first love of football.

To Abdul Foster, my brother for life, thank you for looking after me and training me all these years. Every trip we took and all the workouts and times we shared will never be forgotten. And for real, I will call you, hahaha.

I can’t thank everyone here because the list would be as long as this post, but please know I am grateful for every prayer, stretch, treatment, surgery, workout, and meal shared. 

To every single teammate I’ve ever had, I want to thank you. Thank you for the love, accountability, competition, and camaraderie. Having teammates like I’ve had pushed me both on and off the field. If I’ve ever shared a weight room, meeting room, practice field, or game field with you, just know that you impacted me. I hope I’ve positively impacted many of the lives I’ve encountered, and anyone I didn’t is the real failure. To whoever I haven’t impacted positively, I thank you for your grace and the lessons I learned about where I need to improve. 

To the game of football, you’ve been my steady friend. Through all the ups and downs, from the exciting and euphoric moments to the suicidal times, you’ve always been there. Thank you for getting me to where I am today. Thank you for being my outlet and my safe space. Whenever I was down, I always knew I could run, hit the weights, do some drills, catch some balls, watch some film, or make some plays, and everything would be okay. 

To my Mama, Lisa Montgomery, thank you for always believing in me, providing for me, and supporting my dream to play since the day I told you that I wanted to play football. You never stopped believing in me and dedicated your life to helping me achieve my dreams and be successful. You willed your way and mine into instilling the qualities I need to be successful in this game since day one when I woke up at 6 years old and said, “I want to play when I’m 7.” From the time shortly after when I said I wanted to go Pro, you made an email account: Your sacrifices have never been unnoticed, forgotten, or unappreciated. I love you. 

To my Nana, I love you so much from the bottom of my heart and with everything that is in me. Your prayers have carried me through. I miss hanging out with you. I miss hugging you. I miss laughing with you. I miss joking with you and pulling pranks on you. You passed shortly after I was drafted and I’ll never forget what you said. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for praying for me. I’m so blessed.

To the fans who have ever supported me or been a fan of my career, I’m so thankful. I hope you’ll continue to follow me on socials as I navigate life away from football and strive to Live Love.

So many emotions are tied up to this decision, but just like every chapter of my life, I’m trusting God with it for what He’s done through it and where we’re going next.

Live Love and Keep Building,


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